About the Book
This book is a sincere attempt to accomplish the following:
1- Introducing the reader to the legal ingredients involved in Belligerency (which entails conflict scenarios).
2- The resultant Occupation that occurs - the terms and conditions that form essential criteria to constitute an occupation.
3- The law applicable in such belligerently occupied territory.
4- The kind of government that can and cannot be formed in such territory.
5- The rights and duties of:
a. Occupied People
b. Occupying Force
c. Legitimate Government of the territory, that has been ousted by the illegal use of military force.
6- Means that may and may not be applied to force the Enemy power to stop the acts of violence being committed against occupied territory.
7- UN initiatives at interfering in such cases
8- Examples of International interference in domestic affairs of sovereign nations, and what has been the effect of those instances on the international community
9- What has been the State of international law regarding regulation of such situations?
10- How International law has evolved and the place it has reached today.
The book will be best read by lawyers and researchers who have some background in Legal Studies or International Relations, Political Science, etc. However, the primary reader that this book caters to, is a common man, who is interested in learning about the law relevant to War and Military Occupation.